Leak Detection Cape Town
November 15, 2022Drain Cleaning in Cape Town
November 15, 2022World Plumbing Day – 11 March 2021
As the name says, World Plumbing day is celebrated around the world. Every year on 11 March, the international plumbing community pulls together to showcase what the plumbing sector offers to their local communities.
Celebrations are not limited to one form, with a mix of seminars, charity work and other activities. People from inside and outside the plumbing sector come together to network, build connections and create opportunities to provide better plumbing and access to safe sanitation. (World Plumbing Council).
How did Combat Plumbing Celebrate?
We decided to team up again with Cape of Good Hope SPCA. Their motto is ‘Animal Cruelty Must Stop. No Animal Should Suffer’. Our sentiments towards animals are aligned with this motto which is why we chose to keep our relationship going with this SPCA.
Unfortunately we did not get to play with the dogs as our job was only to clean the drains, but it was fantastic to be able to assist the animals through our work.
The Combat Plumbing team did the following for the SPCA:
High Pressure Jetted the drains around the courtyard, theatre rooms and kennels.
Their drains quickly build up with animal by-products. Every animal that arrives at SPCA needs a thorough clean and medical clearance before they are admitted to a kennel. The drains block up from a build up of animal fur and cleaning products. The kennels are also sprayed daily and the dirt from the kennels also helps block the drains
“Earn your success based on service to others, not at the expense of others.”
H. Jackson Browm
There is no better reward than the satisfaction of helping those in need. Yes, we help those in need because they need help. But if you feel better because of it, that’s just great!
An organisation like the Cape of Good Hope SPCA provides an invaluable service to the local community of Cape Town. Their fight is against animal suffering, which comes in all shapes and sizes. They rely on sponsorship and donations to keep them going and they have a wide range of needs that we, the community can help with.
If you have read this article and feel touched to assist where you can, please contact Wendy, the Donations Manager on 021 700 4140 or send her an email to dbadmin@spca-ct.co.za. To read more about them, click on the below links to view their website or Facebook Page:
Website – https://capespca.co.za/
Facebook – @CapeofGoodHopeSPCA